Thursday, February 18, 2010

So here goes.......

    I have tried blogging before..... but never got any readers..... so i figured i woudl stop.... now i'm going to try to start again... i find as my children are getting older and more mouthy and whiney and the fact that i am getting ready to add another one into the mix in september... might be a good idea to start a blog and get it out...

   i love my kids... they are awesome 2 girls 5 and 6 and a son 2 1/2 ... we dont' know what the new additions sex is yet  but can't wait to find out...

  my kids are amazing.... the really keep me going .... and make me wanna pull all my hair out all at the same time LOL.. which i'm sure you other mothers can relate too.... its hard being the primary caretakere to the kiddos... my husband is an amazing husband and father but he has to work a lot but we understand that and enjoy the time when hes off :)

   i'll tell you now i probally won't use caps in any of these ... i type fast but faster if i dont hit the shift key and i will misspell words ALOT LOL.... just warning you now.. so if you have an issue with things like that you might not want to read my blog.... hey atleast i'm honest....  :)

   yesterday my son decided to throw a red crayon in my dryer while sister 2s comforter was in there... did i mention my dryer is less than a year old.... yep he did i was able to save my dryer and get most of the crayon off with the infamous magic eraser .... i wasn't so lucky with the comforter... i was quite irritate considering it was her good comforter she got last christmas ..... oh well what can you do....
    on top of that we are also starting our temper tantrum , no , i need that phase... its great.... not that i'm not tired enough from being pregnant for the 4th time and driving kids back and forth all day and feeling like i'm always on the go ...  BUT than when hes done crying in his room for another tantrum he comes out climbs on my lap and says " momma i wanna  hold you".... and that does it because how could you stay mad at that ?  i sure can't... my husband says i baby him and i probally do and probally will pay for it come september. LOL..

    my daughters..... 5 and 6 a great age.... a little bit of attitude but not too much... daughter 1 the 6 year old she is very clean and tidy and doens't mind cleaning.. she gets that from her father.... daughter 2 the 5 year old she doesn't like cleaning and its a chore to get her to do it.... she gets that from me so i can't really be mad now can i LOL.......

    well i'm done sitting on the floor by my sons bed till he falls alseep for the night  so i guess its time to get some house work done :)


Veronica Lee said...

Following your lovely blog now. Join me this Friday on Friday Follow and you'll see your follower list grow!

Karrie Knight said...

thanks veronica :)