Monday, February 22, 2010


      everyday us as moms have to clean ... every single day...... no matter what we do the day before its a mess the next day.... i don't know about you guys but i don't want to spend every single minute of my life cleaning up so my house will never be spotless and everything in its place.... not unless you come over for a birthday party or something that i plan.... and even then i'm sure something will be out of place... i really dont' know how the moms who do keep everything in its place do it... i honestly have tried its just not for me...... i'm not that organized and i have to have some me time....

     anywho....... so as i sit here writing this blog i'm thinking about all that needs to be done even though i spent all day yesterday doign laundry.... ( and i'm pretty sure i have atleast 2 loads i need to do today) hey atleast i'm thinking about it right LOL....  i also have 3 hats that i need to finish.....  well i better get busy :) just wanted to rant a little  :)


felicia said...

i know one of the things i have realized is that we as women are too hard on ourselves and each other we judge each other too much and were all pretending to be perfect for each other and its kind of sad bc then we all feel like were not living up to the standard (the standard that isn't real)

Karrie Knight said...

exactly... with me... i try more for the hubby who use to be a major clean freak and everything has its place... sooooooooooooo we have both compromised alot.... needless to say since i got prego i spend more time relaxing or laying down then i did before... havne't you noticed my cleaning statuses have diminished on fb.( this is that felicia right LOL)

felicia said...

lol yea its me.