Wednesday, February 24, 2010

recycling coffee grinds??

find this on a new blog i'm following and loved it.. thought i would share

12 Clever Ways to Reuse Coffee Grounds (ecosalon)

Came across this link on ecosalon.com12 Clever Ways to Reuse Coffee Grounds. Some interesting, unusual and useful ideas.
  1. Facial exfoliator: massage face with coffee grounds
  2. Conditioner for your hair
  3. Conditioner and flea control for your pets
  4. Mix coffee grounds with eggs whites for skin firming facial mask
  5. Use like baking soda in fridge to rid of odors
  6. Deodorizers for shoes
  7. Removing odors from hands
  8. Scouring grunge off of pots and pans
  9. Paper and fabric dye: boil a pot of water, then pour in coffee grounds and steep-now you've got the base for dye
  10. Touch up scratches on wood furniture by using dye above
  11. Natural ant repellent
  12. "Instead of inhaling or wearing the majority of the ashes you clear out of your fireplace, sprinkle a layer of coffee grounds over them first to reduce the mess."
Quick Tip: If you like these great ideas but don't have coffee grounds, you can always get them free at Starbucks by asking!


Caffeinated Mommy said...

I can't wait to try this out! I love the idea of making an exfoliant....I've heard caffine helps to tighten the skin on your face. I guess I'll find out if it's true! Have a great one!

Karrie Knight said...

i know me too...