why is it so hard to get kids to go to sleep?? why do i baby my 2 year old son so much that he gives me the biggest problem? why can't i just stick with it long enough and let him cry it out and have the patients to keep taking him to his room when he gets out? why do i instead either sit on his bed or in the hall or in his door way and hope for him to go to sleep?
i mean really how did we get to this point .. i don't ever recall it being so hard with my girls... of course they get out of bed sometimes but they go back to bed without giving me to many problems... why why why????
all i want is to go take a hot bath and relax before my favorite cbs monday night shows come on but instead its 730 and i'm sitting in boys door way hoping and praying he falls asleep soon..... every minute or so he gets up and says hes thirsty.. i'm done giving water because thats an excuse.....
does anyone have any suggestions...??? this is ridiculous and i'm going to be having another baby in a few months.. what am i going to do than bring them both in here... i do have a plan... i'm planning on setting up the play pen in here just in case we need to sleep in boys room... pathetic i know.. but i'm so desperate for sleep... i've always been someone who needed sleep i don't function well without sleep UNLESS its because i was up all night with children puking that the only way i can still function... must be a mom thing :) blah... i'm sooooooooooooooooooo over it
I feel your pain.
Have you ever tried co-sleeping?
That is what we did with our second two children and it worked out beautifuly for us. Not one sleepless night at all.
I don't typically follow main stream parenting and I get slack from the "other side".
So if you do consider co-sleeping, make sure you read about the Pro's and Con's.
thanks dawn... yes i co slept with my girls my son is a little more of a mommas boy... he wants me in his bed instead of him comming to mine and my hubbys bed.. LOL... normally it woudln't be a big deal but since i'm pregnant with our 4th baby and i am a big co sleeper when they are baby babies and if they aren't in bed with me i want them very close to me in the bassinet so i can hear them very clear... anyways... its goign to be more difficult now :) i don't base any of my parenting on traditional parenting either.. i do it the way that works for me , my family, and my kids
I really feel your pain Karrie. When our twins came along I had to get my 2 year old to sleep in a big boy bed and to stay put. I sat outside his room and kept putting him back in bed for almost 2 hours the first night. I never said anything to him I just picked him up and laid him back down. He is stubborn....very. But it worked and it got so much easier by the 3rd day he came out once:-) BTW I have 3 boys and they are ALL momma boys lol. I understand with another baby you want this worked out! Good luck......
one night i tried that with mine one night he cried so much he threw up after 2 1/2 hours i need to try again.. i'm just so tired with this pregnancy lol.. thanks for the encouragement
1st things 1st... you're pregnant? Way to go Mom!
Now, on to the sleeping issue. Channah has been sleeping in her own room since she was 2.5 months old. This being said, I have a feeling Naomi may not go as easily. She is very attached to me and may not be as eager to sleep alone. So, though I don't have any suggestions for you, I do feel your pain.
I feel your pain, I really do. I wish I would have posted the pic I took last night of my poor hubby with our 4, 6 and 7 year olds piled in our bed next to him. We made the mistake of letting the kids sleep with us from the time they were babies and now, as history repeats itself with our 2 week old *lol* I ask myself WHY!!! And my only excuse is that after so many tired nights, it's just easier to let them come in bed with you just so you can sleep! We try to put the kids in their own beds but then we have to stay in the rooms until they are asleep and we end up crashing out with them. My hubby and I have literally tried EVERYTHING!!! (Except for letting them cry it out, and I just can't bear it!) so trust me, I feel ya and wish I had an answer for ya!!
thanks sarah... and trust me i have tried the crying it out thing.... and with my son it doesn't work atleast not soon enough for me... 2 1/2 hours he cried one night and threw up and i gave in
Awe I know what you are going through. My older son is almost 4 and it wasn't until he was about 2 1/2 that we got him on a good sleeping pattern. Then we moved and had to start all over again. WE just got him back to sleeping in his room and going to bed by himself. He is a little older but we used stickers as a reward. Every time he went to bed by himself he got a sticker for his chart. 5 = $5 and then he was able to buy himself a toy. It worked! Some nights he cries when we leave but he is a little order so we can talk to him and reassure him we aren't far away.
Good luck and congrats on baby #4 {you go!}. Thanks for stopping by my new blog!!
thats a great idea... i hadn't thought about that.... right now i'm soooo tired from this pregnancy that i'm just going to continue sleeping in his bed i can't loose any sleep LOL
aww! that sucks u know ike didnt sleep in his bed until he was like 5 he would still try to come in our room. after we moved here i would say u can come in here but u have to sleep on the floor lol that seemed to stop it.
im sorry its so rough esp with the pregnancy. hope u figure out a way that works for you soon :)
thanks felicia.... i know the girls come in our room sometimes still and if i happen to still be in our bed i make them get on the floor but if i'm in bed with billy big billy lets them in ... theres not room with both us and kids LOL
oh it won't last forever!!! I think different kids need different things. My first was very attached to me and still has trouble going to bed at 2 1/2. My second would fall asleep on her own from day one! It was amazing. Just gotta go with what the kids need. :)
Just started following you from MBC! :)
i know... just stressful with the thought of the new baby being here in aug....
thanks so much for following ....
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